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Connect to Oracle DB with MS Access

Follow the steps to create a link between oracle db and MS Access 2007 or above

1. Open MS Access click. Menu bar-> External Data. Choose More under Import section. Select ODBC Database

2. Select Link to the data source by creating a linked table from the following screen and press OK.

3. Switch to Machine Data Source Tab and click New…

4. Choose System Data Source (Applies to this machine only) and click Next.

5. Select Microsoft ODBC for Oracle from the list and click Next.

And then click Finish.

6.       Fill the appropriate details and click OK.

 7. Find and select the Data Source Name from the list of DataSources and click OK.

8.       Enter the password and click OK
9.       A list of all tables and views will appear, choose the respective tables and views to link them to MS Access. Check Save Password, so that you don’t have to bother about that from the next time. And then click OK. A warning about password saving will appear, click on Save Password to continue.

10.       Select the primary column from the list of columns of the selected table or view in step 9. Click OK

That’s it. You will find the linked table or view under the Tables panel.

1 comment:

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